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Bored Russians Posted Silly Art Parodies. The World Has Joined In.

Extrait du New York Time pour les anglophiles

par AOF

Under lockdown, the banal melds with the sublime.

A sausage becomes a rose. A tangerine, a sunflower. And when your teenage son doesn’t clean his room, just this once, the chaos can evoke Kandinsky.

Isolated from the physical world, people sheltering in place under coronavirus lockdowns are seeking new depths of connection online. Many have a lot of time on their hands, or children to entertain. And amid the bleakness of the pandemic, some report a surge in creativity.

Perhaps this helps explain why a nearly month-old Facebook group where people post their lo-fi recreations of famous paintings now has more than 540,000 members. It was started in Moscow by a project manager at a tech company and its predominant language is Russian, but more than one-third of its members live outside Russia.

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